Apparently from a legal point of view,as soon as her little feet (with squeeky shoes) hit the ground Mia Mei became the nation's newest American. From her brother's point of view: "Chinese, American, Chinese-American, who gives a rat's tail." They are just glad to finally have her home. Mia is a little more..lets say...finicky. Over all she is a very happy baby. It's just that is happy when she is with certain people--and I just happen not to be one of them!! She is definitely a Mama's girl. She is not impressed with Dad, and could take or leave any one of her brothers at any given time, but Mama is something she is always sure about.
Unfortunately, for Mia, she had a doctor's appointment waiting for her the same day she landed (after 18+hours of travel). But after seeing the pediatrician, and ENT surgeon, she ended up with a prescription for an antibiotic for a raging sinus infection, an ear infection, and the sutures from her palate repair were also infected. So, she was pinned down for a blood draw, and for suture removal, and would have been pinned down, for a 3rd time for immunizations, but we decided to have some mercy for her and put that off for another day--hopefully a day when Daddy is at work, and Mom can take her :).
Anyway, i think the antibiotics are helping a lot. And as soon as she is able to figure out what time of the day it is over here on the other side of the world, we think she is going to really begin to thrive. She is already very interactive and curious. And maybe just a tiny bit overwhelmed. Heck, I've been with those boys since their inception, and I'm overwhelmed! At any rate, she seems to be improving both physically and emotionally. She has a whole bag of new tricks to include: waving, throwing her arms in the air at the command "touchdown", shaking her head yes, when she like something, hitting her Dad's hands when he tries to pick her up, and is even mocking a few sounds already.
Welcome to America, and welcome to the Vaughn Family!
Welcome home! You were leaving for China the day we landing in LAX. I think I saw your beautiful daughter. Congratulations! I teared up when I saw the SWI pictures. It is almost like a dream. Alex is home and so is Mia. We are blessed! Congrats again.
So glad to see how Mia Mei is doing! We really enjoyed meeting you and of course "the Rockstar", Kyle, who is the object of much facination on the part of my girls! Blessings to you and your family as you blend! Wow, was jet lag bad for you too? Keep in touch!
Amanda & Family
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