Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nanjing Update

Today we went to the place where Mia was found. She was left at the Nanjing West Train Station. We took some photos of the outside of the station. We were unable to go to the actual spot as you have to go through security and we didn't have a ticket.
The orphanage visit was really hard on Mia. She started to cry as soon as we turned down the street. She didn't want any of the nannies to touch her. She cried whenever someone touched her. She only allowed one person to hold her. We were told that she was Mia's preschool teacher. They are remodeling the orphanage so she had been moved to a temporary building. There was a playroom and a sleeping room. That was all we were allowed to see. We went outside and there was a group of older children playing. They were having a great time swing leaves around. Most of them seemed really happy. I am glad we went and I am sure Mia will cherish the pictures when she is older.
Justin left Nanjing today. He hasn't made much progress with Mia. She still slaps his hand when he touches her. It is pretty funny. He picked her up and she actually cried for "amma" I have to assume she means Mama. She is really opening up to us. It is great to see her change. Her favorite thing to do is walk holding Kyle's hand. She will slap me away if he has her hand. She is scared to walk without help. She is really more like a 1-year old than a 2-year old. I have to feed her because she will not put food into her own mouth. If I put something into her hand she will hold onto it until I put her hand to her mouth.
I will try to post tomorrow, I am not sure what we have planned.

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