Mia is a Princess...I knew it would happen. What was I thinking??? She has her daddy wrapped around her finger so tightly. Her brothers...what can I say? She screams, she yells, she gets what she wants. They all think that she should have whatever she wants. Yesterday she had the remote to the t.v. and I took it from her. She made some grunting noises at me then stuck her tongue out at me. I sent her to her room and told her to be nice. Well daddy was on the phone and he said "Heidi, you be nice to her, she is only 2" Yes I know that.. but I am still not going to have her grunting at me and sticking her tongue out at me. When I tell her it is night-night time she cries and runs to daddy. He picks her up, hugs and kisses her and tells me he can't put her in her bed. He doesn't want to be the one to make her sad. I think he has put her in bed maybe 3 times since we have been home. she is very cute and charming. Her charm has worked on me a few times. The one thing she doesn't understand is that I am a girl too. I know all the girl tricks out there. So yes, I admit it, I am the bad cop. I am the one to say "no" and "be nice"