Saturday, May 27, 2006

We are really doing this!!

We spent today cleaning, packing, doing laundry, gathering movies, charging DVD player batteries, downloading songs to Ipods, buying snacks and gathering paperwork. We only have 4 full days left. It seems surreal that in a few more days we will have a daughter. What on earth am I going to do with a girl?? I am a boy mom through and through. When I picture Mia Mei, I see a sweet little CLEAN girl. Her hair is done up with baretts and bows. She has a pretty dress on and has a dollie in her arms. Then my fantasy gets interrupted by a little boy covered in dirt, running through the house with a nerf dart gun. Then reality sets in and I realize that she is going to want to follow that little boy around and do what he is doing. I can still dream.
Please excuse the spelling mistakes, my spell check is not working.

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