With all the violence in Baghdad, especially in the "Green Zone" where Justin is, it has been a pretty tough week. It is hard to talk to Justin for more than a few minutes because he always seems to be busy. It is really hard on the boys when they only get to speak to him for a minute or two a week. There is so much they want to tell him, just not enough time. They have been good about emailing him. They each have an account and check many times a day for mail from daddy. Graham has really been concerned about Justin's safety. He starts to cry and wants to know what we will do if daddy doesn't come home. It is hard for me not to break down when he asks this. I try to let him know that daddy is safe and he needs to worry about 7-year old stuff, but I know these thoughts haunt him. Logan and Brayden choose to keep themselves so busy they don't think about dad too much. They have their moments when they are thinking about him and break down. Kyle is having a rough time because he knows that there is real danger in wars. He also just misses having his dad to talk to. He is opening up to me more but I honestly don't know what to say to him when he wants to talk about girls. Mia just says "My daddy left me!" She is not sure what to think. As for me, I try not to read the news or have it on the t.v. I try to stay as up beat as possible for the kids. I know they are having a hard time with all of the changes they have had this last year. My family was such a great support for them when dad was gone the first time. When we were feeling overwhelmed my brother would tell to bring the kids to him. He would rearrange his work schedule or take a day or two off. He would tell me to take a break and he would take care of the kids. I didn't have to worry about them and they loved being with their family. Of course he would let them do things that I never would..ie..ride motorcycles, jump off rocks into the river, but he always made sure they were safe. Most of all, he spent time with them. He let them know that he loved them and they could spend as much time with him as they wanted. I think that Kyle is really struggling now, missing his family. We are counting down the time now. Justin will be home in July. Not nearly soon enough. We are very thankful for the friends and family who take the time to let us know they are thinking about us. It means the world to the kids to know that there are people out there that love them and think about them. It means a lot to me and Justin as well. I think that Justin can focus on what he's doing over there knowing we have people here who check in on us and care if were okay. So thank you to everyone who has sent an email, or called or sent a card. Those little gestures really help make us feel better.