Friday, January 25, 2008

Conversations with a 6 year old

Graham and I have been have some very important conversations lately. He seems to have a pretty good idea of what's going on around him.
The other night our conversation went like this:

Graham: I know why people go to heaven when they die.
Me: Oh really, why?
Graham: Because they don't have any gravity any more!

I hurt my back lifting Mia the other day and Graham had it all figured out why I was in pain:

Graham: Mom, I know why your back hurts.
Me: Why Grammy?
Graham: Because your almost a woman now!

Today our conversation went like this:
Graham: Mommy, how come when dad was a kid he was big and now he is so tiny?
How does he expect me to answer that one?

We had this conversation last year after his first baseball practice. I was almost alsleep, it was almost 10:00 p.m. and I felt someone was watching me.

Me: Grammy, what's going on?
Graham: Mommy, does your laundry get done quick? As he is holding his new uniform.
Me: What do you mean? I guess it gets done pretty quick.
Graham; Oh gooooood!...Mine never gets done quickly and I need this washed.
I'm guessing he thinks a laundry fairy comes in and does all my stuff and leaves his.

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