Saturday, June 09, 2007

We are moving to South Carolina

The good news is that the house sold. The bad news is that resulted in a 35 day hotel stay with five kids a dog and a wife. I am now ready for the Grecian Formula Gray hair kit. During the last month we had Kyle, Logan, and Graham finishing up their baseball seasons. Brayden is holding out for karate once we get to South Carolina, and Mia does what she does. Heidi managed to slip out to Jamaica with a couple of girlfriends for a week--that's the way she rolls.
We pulled the kids out of school a couple of weeks early and decided to spend a few days in Portland before we took off. But on the way out of town Kyle became an indentured servant. Apparently for causes that have yet to be determined, Kyle's French Horn received several damaging blows resulting in $365 worth of damage. So he is now earning it back at the rate of $5.50 per hour.
Here are a couple of pics from the hotel. And yes, that is Logan sleeping by the bathroom floor--try to tell him no. It is just not worth it.
Next stop--Portland.

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