We have been home for a month now and we could not ask for things to be better. Mia is adjusting great. She loves her new family and her new found freedom. At first she was very timid and she would stay in the same place forever. Now she is a little terror around the house. She is everywhere. She loves to wonder about the house. She laughs and laughs when she is walking. She will find a basket and load it up on her walks. It is amazing the things she packs around. She loves her brothers and especially loves whatever they are eating. She will circle the table to get "bites" off each of their plates. They are all to happy to have her helping them finish their food. She is sleeping in her crib all night long. It took us until last week to get her to do that. She cries for a total of 2 minutes then she is out. She is very clever. She concentrates on everything and tries to copy exactly. She loves riding in the car and her carseat. She loves to be buckled into anything and everything with a buckle. She isn't to fond of shopping. She gets rather irritated at the whole idea of going from store to store. Her brothers adore her and they fight over who gets to play with her. Graham likes to irritate her by picking her up. He is her biggest competition and I think he knows it. He will jump onto my lap just to hear her scream. She says 4 words clear as day: Mama, Kyle, No and MINE!!! We are so in love with her! We can't believe how well she fits with our family.