Tuesday, November 29, 2005

pictures of the boys

This weekend, we decided to take a Christmas picture of the boys. We went to a (salmon run ) place called Tumwater Falls. Lots of water falls and Pacific Northwest scenery. We knew it would take a few shots to get all 4 of them to cooperate, but we had no idea that out of 39 pictures there would only be 2 that were even worth considering!!! Monsters...
Anyway, here are a few of the pics

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Adoption Mile Stones

So far we have made steady progress in the adoption process. A couple of key steps have been made. We have completed our homestudy*, applied for passports, written and sent our **Letter of Intent, to China (which was translated into Chinese and received by the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs CCAA). We still have a long and expensive administrative adventure ahead of us but we are making progress nonetheless.

*4 visits from a social worker involving a lot of personal questions about family, parenting, a lot of bribing the boys with doughnuts,etc.

** A letter written by us to discuss our plan and abilities to adopt a special needs child. This letter is key, as it is either approved or disapproved by the CCAA.

Thanksgiving Surprise

This is our little Thanksgiving Surprise. Her lip and nose have been repaired. It looks great and we are very pleased with it. We are truly thankful this season. Daddy is home from Iraq safe and sound, and she looks better than ever...We will have to work on the hair when she comes home. Hard to put a bow in that little crew cut. Wow, her hair is even shorter than her brothers. We are all very excited and glad she is doing well!!!

Introducing Mia Mei Vaughn...

This is a pic of Kong Yue Mei, now known to us as Mia Mei Vaughn. This pic was taken at about age 6 months. It was this pic that we fell in love with. We made the decision to adopt her while Justin was in Iraq. Be sure to take a peek at the current pic of her. That pic is a current one and shows off her new and improved smile...Aren't those little lips kissable??? I know at least 4 little boys who say, YES!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a great Turkey Day!!